Sundays Children's Church
9:00 & 11:00am
Welcome to Christ Kids!
Children’s Ministry Mission Statement
Our mission as a church family is to teach children that Jesus loves them by partnering with their families to help them develop a firm faith foundation so that when they grow older they will not depart from God’s truths.
Children’s Ministry Vision Statement
We believe children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3) and it is the church’s responsibility to provide the support and resources to help their child to grow spiritually. We are committed to a Children’s Ministry in which:
· Children of all Abilities feel welcomed, supported and equipped to face daily challenges.
· Feel safe and experience the love of God through caring volunteers.
· Learn and develop a personal relationship with Jesus and share Him with others.
· Develop and share their unique gifts and talents with others.
· Learn to worship God through music, prayer, Bible study, and service to others.
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