Welcome to Christ Venice

Welcome to Christ Venice! We strive to be the friendliest congregation in all of southwest Florida. If you are planning your first visit to our church, here are the basics you need to know. Of course, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!

Christ Venice has a place for you, your children, and students through every season of life.


Join us Sunday Mornings

7:30am | 9:00am | 11:00am


Nursery & Preschool Care

9:00am | 10:00am


Sunday Classes

Adults:  9:00am | 10:00am

Kids & Youth:  10:00am

What To Expect


Sundays are relaxed and comfortable with no dress code to worry about. You will find that while most people wear casual clothes (jeans and shorts), others will choose to dress-up.


While we take a casual approach to what we wear, we are very intentional about how we worship. We believe in a powerful, passionate God who calls us to be responsive and passionate as well. You’ll be challenged by scripture and encouraged by the Spirit to say YES to Jesus. 

When you Arrive

Christ Venice is on Center Rd - you can see a map here.  When you arrive, you'll find plenty of parking.  We have golf cart shuttle service for those who need assistance.

Stop by Memorial Hall between 8:15am and 11:00am for donuts, coffee, and conversation.  

Just outside the sanctuary, in the breezeway, you'll find our First Time Guest Desk, where someone can answer your questions, accompany you and your children to our Kids Check-In, and provide you with a free gift.  In the lobby of the sanctuary is Connection Point, where someone can provide more information about how to get connected at Christ Venice, as well as answer any other questions you may have.

From the minute you pull into the parking lot, we make it a priority to welcome every person warmly.

Christ Kids


Our Christ Kids Check-In Desk is located in the lobby of the Family Life Center.


At the 9:00 service, elementary kids are encouraged to stay in the service with their families.


Then at 10:00, while parents are in Sunday School class, we break down into small groups by grade (K-2nd & 3rd-4th) to have some fun and dig a little deeper into the lesson for the week.


At the 11:00 service, elementary kids are invited to stay with their families to worship. 

Worship Services

7:30am - Traditional Service

This is a more intimate worship service, featuring a variety of classic hymns and contemporary music sung by the congregation and performed by ensembles and soloists. 

9:00am Contemporary Service

A more casual worship service, which includes Children's Chat - a short message specifically for kids.  Contemporary music is sung by the congregation and is lead by our praise team featuring a full band and multiple vocalists.

11:00am Traditional Service

This service features a more formal order of worship. A variety of classic hymns and contemporary music are sung by the congregation and performed by choirs, ensembles, soloists, and an orchestra. 

Each of our services lasts about an hour, and features the same encouraging and challenging Bible-based message. 

We would love to answer any questions you have about our church and schedule a visit that allows you to meet our staff and see what Christ Venice is really like.