God called, Missy answered. Here is her story.


Missy grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, mostly, as the youngest of 6 in a blended family. After graduating from Ball State University, she and her new husband, Jim, moved to Kentucky in 1993 to attend Asbury Theological Seminary. The day after graduation, she moved to Holland, Michigan to serve as the Director of Youth Ministry.  


God called them again in 2002 to a new land — Florida! She continued to serve as the Director of Youth Ministry in the local church until 2011 when she “retired” to care for her dad. Over the next several years, the hand of the Lord was apparent as her circle of influence began to change. In the fall of 2017, the Lord placed a call on Pastor Missy’s life to build a new worshiping community near her home in Nokomis, FL. At the time, her home church, Christ Venice, was discerning the Lord leading the church to launch a second campus. Today, Christ Laurel is this campus. 


Missy lives with her husband and two children and an assortment of animals in Venice Acres.